Head of Aerodynamics, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
Mr Ohad Gur received is PhD in in Aerospace engineering in 2007 at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (IIT). From 1996 to 2001 he was Captain at Israel Air Force (IAF), Flight Science Branch, Performance Group. From 2001 to 2002 he worked at BVR System as Flight Model Expert. After working as a researcher at Technion IIT and Virginia Tech, Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Department, since 2010 he has been working at Israel Aerospace Industries where he currently holds the position of Head of the Aerodynamics Group.
Nowadays Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is considered a common practice for complex engineering design problems. These design cases are characterized with high number of design variables and non-trivial design space. It contains multiple contradicting cost functions (Multi-Goal design problems) and various constraints, which are product of various discipline simulations.
Usage of MDO enables the solution of these design cases, while integrating different disciplines into a synergetic comprehensive design environment. Furthermore, using numerical optimization schemes, a methodical study of the complex design space is accomplished. Thus, the global optimum is searched while avoiding local minima areas.
A review of MDO principles will be given with emphasis on the implementation challenges and the benefits of using a state-of-the-art design framework, which at IAI is ESTECO modeFrontier.
Several design research cases will be discussed, such as:
- Design of rotating wing which searches for the optimum compromis between different flight regimes.
- Design case research of auxiliary power using (APU) chamber, which uses various disciplines such as heat transfer simulation, aerodynamic drag penalty, and internal flow models.
- Solar unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) conceptual design, which focuses on the energy balance between solar radiation, battery pack, and the airvehicle required operating power.
Nowadays design engineers face with optimization as a common tool which assists their search for an improved design solution. Most universities give their alumni basic set of tools and design skills which in most cases lack the important optimization and multidiscipline design optimization (MDO) perspective.
In many educational institutes, optimization and optimization based design are suggested as an undergraduate permission course. In many others, such a course is missing. By including these disciplines as part of the compulsory curriculum of engineering schools, not only better design engineers are to be produced, but better engineers are to be educated.
The lack of proper training in optimization and optimization-based-design has lead to development of a dedicated course for undergraduate students. The presentation will review the process of designing and realizing such a course entitles "Design Optimization Methods". The course is given in the past two years in the Mechanical Engineering Department in the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
The presentation emphasizes the way to navigate the student not only to gain academic knowledge about optimization based design, but also some experience with state-of-the-art tools. ESTECO modeFRONTIER is used as the design environment for homework assignment and final assignments. The presentation will
review some of those assignments as a scope to the importance of such a course.